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A list of abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the RelationalAI documentation.

AbbreviationFull TermExplanation
APIApplication Programming InterfaceSoftware interface that allows programs to communicate with each other.
CLICommand-Line InterfaceAn API for the command line.
COOCoordinate ListA format used to organize data, primarily used for sparse matrices.
CSVComma-Separated ValuesA text-based data format in which data can be saved in tabular form, separated by commas.
DBDatabaseAn electronically stored collection of data which can be easily accessed, retrieved, and manipulated.
EDAExploratory Data AnalysisThe practice of analyzing data using statistical and visual techniques to identify features, patterns, and anomalies.
GNFGraph Normal FormA level of database normalization that goes further than the Third Normal Form used by many RDBMSs. Graph Normal Form is the recommended way to normalize your data within RAI.
ICIntegrity ConstraintA declaration that ensures that a specified condition is met.
I/OInput/OutputThe transfer of data to and from a database, such as the import and export operations for managing data in the RKGS.
IRIInternationalized Resource IdentifierA form of resource identifier that supports the use of international characters and the Universal Character Set (UCS).
JSONJavaScript Object NotationA data interchange format that uses text to represent JavaScript object syntax and consists of attribute-value pairs and arrays.
LPGLabeled-Property GraphA diagram used to visualize graph schema where nodes and edges carry labels and properties.
KGKnowledge GraphA data model that represents knowledge as a graph where the nodes are entities or values and the edges represent relationships between them.
LUBMLehigh University BenchmarkA benchmark in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) domain designed to test the reasoning capabilities of a system.
MSTMinimum Spanning TreeA subset of edges of a connected, weighted, and undirected graph that connects all vertices together such that the sum of the weight of the edges is as small as possible.
ORMObject-Role ModelingA diagram designed to visualize schema and schema rules.
OWLWeb Ontology LanguageA computational logic-based language used to define ontologies and describe the characteristics, classes, and properties of a domain.
RAIRelationalAIThat’s us! A company that provides a cloud-native knowledge graph data management system to express knowledge intuitively using declarative programs.
RDBMSRelational Database Management SystemA system that allows you to define, create, and administer a relational database.
RDFResource Description FrameworkA model that represents relations between entities in a graph format using data triples: subject-verb-object.
RESTRepresentational State TransferAn architectural style that describes a set of constraints for developing web services.
RKGSRelational Knowledge Graph SystemA database management system designed to support relational knowledge graphs.
SDKSoftware Development KitAn installable set of tools with an existing framework used in developing applications for a specific platform.
1NFFirst Normal FormA level of database normalization. 1NF is considered the lowest level of normalization.
3NFThird Normal FormA level of database normalization that is more normalized than 1NF. Most RDBMSs use 3NF.
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