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Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Expr := Expr "+" Expr
      | Expr "-" Expr
      | Expr "*" Expr
      | Expr "/" Expr
      | Expr "%" Expr
      | Expr "÷" Expr
      | Expr "^" Expr

Arithmetic operators allow you to use conventional infix notation in order to invoke arithmetic relations from the Standard Library. For example, a - b - c * d is equivalent to subtract[subtract[a, b], multiply[c, d]].

The correspondence between arithmetic operators and Library functions is shown in the following table:

OperatorLibrary Relation

The arithmetic operators have conventional precedence with respect to each other. The exponentiation operator ^ associates to the right, the others associate to the left. See Precedence for details.

If the right operand of the exponentiation operator ^ is an identifier, you should separate the two with white space. Write a^ b or a ^ b, but not a^b.

If ^ is immediately followed by a letter, the operator is interpreted as beginning an identifier, so a^b will be a sequence of two identifiers — a followed by ^b.

Next: Underscore

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