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This guide describes how the most common RelationalAI errors are reported in the RAI Console and the RelationalAI SDKs.

RAI Console

If you experience an error while using the RAI Console, the output returns the following fields:

CodeType of issue encountered. See the full list of errors.
MessageA short description of the problem.
Transaction-idTransaction ID. See Transactions.
ReportFull detailed information on the cause of error.

This is an example:

Error example from the RAI Console

RelationalAI SDKs

If you experience an error while using any of the RelationalAI SDKs, the output returns the following fields as a JSON string:

error_codeThe type of issue encountered. See the full list of errors.
is_errorWhether an error occurred or there was some other problem.
is_exceptionWhether an exception occurred or there was some other problem.
messageA short description of the problem.
pathA file path for the cases when such a path was used.
reportFull detailed information on the cause of error.
typeThe type of problem, for example, "ClientProblem".

This is an example using the RelationalAI SDK for Python:

    "is_error": true,
    "error_code": "PARSE_ERROR",
    "path": "",
    "report": "1| def output = {1;;2;3}\n                 ~~^~\n\nwhile parsing:\n    1. expr ::= expr \";\" expr\n    2. expr ::= expr \";\" expr\n    3. expr ::= \"{\" expr \"}\"\n\nUnexpected \";\" found.\n\n",
    "message": "parse error",
    "is_exception": false,
    "type": "ClientProblem"

See the Result Structure section in any of the RelationalAI SDKs for more details.

List of Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
ARITY MISMATCHArity mismatch errors.
BASE DERIVED OVERLOADOverloading error of base and derived relations.
DATA LOADData loading errors.
DATA LOAD CONFIGData loading configuration errors.
EXCEPTIONExecution errors.
EXCEPTION - Ungrounded VariableA variable has not been correctly instantiated.
IC VIOLATIONIntegrity constraint violations.
NON FORMULA IC BODYThe integrity constraint is not well defined.
PARSE PROBLEMRel syntax errors.
PARSE PROBLEM - Reserved KeywordReserved keyword errors.
SHADOWED VARIABLESame naming for different variables.
UNTYPED VARIABLEThe variable type cannot be inferred.
UNDEFINEDA variable has not been correctly defined.
VARARGSThe argument arity is not a finite number.
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