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Supported Data Types

This guide provides an overview of the supported data types that can be imported to and exported from the .


By following this guide, you’ll learn which data types you can import to and export from the RKGS, the available Rel functionality around them, and how to compress them successfully.

For detailed documentation on CSV and JSON data import and export, see the accompanying Data Import and Export guides.

Data Types

These are the supported data types for importing and exporting:

Data TypeData SourcesLoading RelationsExporting Relations
BinaryLocal files and cloud.load_binary-
CSVStrings, local files, and cloud.load_csvexport_csv
JSONStrings, local files, and cloud.load_json, load_json_generalexport_json
JSON LinesStrings, local files, and cloud.load_jsonlines, load_jsonlines_general-
Apache ParquetLocal files and cloud.load_parquet-
Apache IcebergCloud.load_iceberg-

See Data Sources for more information on supported data sources for importing data into the RKGS.

Compressed Data

The following table summarizes the compression support for importing and exporting data:

Data TypeData SourceActionCompression Type
CSVCloud.Import and export.Gzip (opens in a new tab) (.gz extension).
JSONCloud.Import.Gzip (opens in a new tab) (.gz extension).

Note that the system only supports Gzip (opens in a new tab) compression.

For all other data types and import/export operations file compression is not supported.

See Also

Dive into the other Data Import and Export guides to learn more about how to import and export specific data formats within the RKGS.

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